Building 0-1 Products

9 Answers
Brandon Green
Brandon Green
Buffer Staff Product ManagerMarch 9
I don't think I have a great answer for this; I think there are a few possible points to consider though, and I think it ultimately comes down to how you understand the user/market problem your company is positioned to solve with its product(s). 1. Is that problem best solved by a single produc......Read More
What is your first step in developing a 0-1 product?
I haven't heard the phrase 0-1 products before and would love to learn more about it.
11 Answers
Brandon Green
Brandon Green
Buffer Staff Product ManagerMarch 10
"0-1 product development" is the idea of building something from nothing. That is, you have an abstract customer or business problem you need to solve and no solution for it (0) and, as a PM, you need to figure out the first attempt at a solution (1) to address the problem. An example from my own......Read More
5 Answers
Puja Hait
Puja Hait
Google Group Product ManagerSeptember 13
I recommend thinking about these questions: 1) Is this worth solving? * What is the problem statement? Who are the users? * Is this a real problem? * What is the TAM? What can we influence?  * What is the definition of success 2) Why us? Why now? * Are you the right team/org/company to s......Read More
9 Answers
Brandon Green
Brandon Green
Buffer Staff Product ManagerMarch 10
I think the two most common mistakes in building 0-to-1 products are: 1. Not acknowledging or checking some assumptions about the problem your product is meant to solve 2. Over-investing in the first iteration of that product (the MVP) without having proven out the riskiest of your ass......Read More
Under what circumstances is it worthwhile to pursue a 0-1 product that can be easily duplicated by a large competitor?
Often times, early product start out as features. My worry is that a competitor would just copy us and then wipe us out.
2 Answers
Lindsey DeFalco
Lindsey DeFalco
Crossbeam VP of ProductNovember 15
The two biggest things to ask are: "would they?" and "could they?". This is both a question of strategy and tactics - of both you, and the competitor. My first startup was a directly competitive product with multiple established players in the space, so this was a topic from day one. My second st......Read More
8 Answers
Brandon Green
Brandon Green
Buffer Staff Product ManagerMarch 10
So, in my experience of building 0-to-1, I've never had to do this before exploring a potential new product 😅 and candidly, I really don't like doing it because any projections are in my experience educated guesses based on inherently flawed source data - historical data that may not apply anymor......Read More
How do you go about brainstorming the right solutions in terms of coming up with user experience to address the validated problems to be solved for users
How and where do you get inspiration to determine how and what types of user experience to be built and fleshing this our in your user stories while writing PRD
4 Answers
Deepti Srivastava
Deepti Srivastava
Head of Product, VPDecember 13
Once you have a good picture of your target user persona(s), their goals, tooling needs, and pain points, design sprints are an effective way to brainstorm the user journeys and experience you want to provide with the product. Design sprints, if run well, can be a structured, efficient, and a ......Read More
9 Answers
Brandon Green
Brandon Green
Buffer Staff Product ManagerMarch 10
I think the quote has validity in some contexts and less in others. If you are building a 0-to-1 product in a company where the culture is anxious about, say, the brand impression your "embarrassing MVP" may invoke, that may be a fear you need to help alleviate as a PM. However, there are other c......Read More
7 Answers
Brandon Green
Brandon Green
Buffer Staff Product ManagerMarch 10
This is hard! For me, it's a mix of having a good understanding and confidence that you have  (1) a clear hypothesis that you can test with a minimally viable product that is shaped by data and customer/market research, (2) confidence that you have a potential solution that can prove the hypothe......Read More
5 Answers
Puja Hait
Puja Hait
Google Group Product ManagerSeptember 13
I would say there is no substitute to real user data.   User research is table-stakes. But in my experience, not always representative of "actual" usage, so don't overindex on specifics. Rather validate if the problem statement is indeed important for the user segments. Because if it is, then ......Read More