Val Yonchev

Val Yonchev

Head of Customer Success, Team Topologies
An experienced Customer Success Leader with deep and applied knowledge of DevOps, Agile, Platform Engineering and Product Development Frameworks.


Val Yonchev
Val Yonchev
Team Topologies Head of Customer SuccessOctober 13
As your products scale in popularity, it is inevitable that you will see more and more customers adopt your product without the support of your orgnization or the partners in your eco-system. I have found two good practice to address potential issues with ease at scale: A) Build in Health-checks......Read More
Val Yonchev
Val Yonchev
Team Topologies Head of Customer SuccessOctober 13
It should NOT! Adoption is the job of everyone in the company and the ultimate owners of the adoption KPIs would be the business owners (CEO, BU leaders). We succeed together and we fail together. If a customer isn't successful it doesn't really make a difference if your team/department has don......Read More
Val Yonchev
Val Yonchev
Team Topologies Head of Customer SuccessOctober 13
Those meetings must be (1) cross-functional and (2) on regular basis which makes sense for the rhythm of the business. 1) Cross-functional means that reviews should include all different functions/departments relevant for the topic, consider Product, Support, Marketing, Sales, Sales Engineering,......Read More
Val Yonchev
Val Yonchev
Team Topologies Head of Customer SuccessOctober 13
There are thousands of reasons for failed adoption and only one which should matter to customer success organizations - value realization. If the customer doesn't understand what is value, how it materializes and what is required to make it real, adoption won't take off. Value realization is a......Read More
Credentials & Highlights
Head of Customer Success at Team Topologies
Formerly, Red Hat, blueKiwi Software, Atos
Studied at MSc Finance
Lives In Brussels
Knows About Product Adoption, Customer Success / Sales Alignment, Customer Health, Professional S......more
Speaks English, Bulgarian, German, French, Dutch, Ukrainian