Tania Clarke

Tania Clarke

Product Marketing Lead, Qwilr | PMM Toolkit
PMM Lead at Qwilr, previously Snr PMM at Atlassian. Co-Creator of the PMM Toolkit: a toolkit to build your product marketing strategy.


Tania Clarke
Tania Clarke
Qwilr | PMM Toolkit Product Marketing LeadApril 2
For one, I set the expectation that it takes time to get better at messaging & positioning and to truly understand it involves applying it a few times.  There are a few resources I recommend early-stage PMMs to read to understand the topic more: - Emma Stratton's Punchy newsletter. She brea......Read More
Credentials & Highlights
Product Marketing Lead at Qwilr | PMM Toolkit
Formerly Atlassian, SafetyCulture
Lives In New South Wales, Australia
Knows About Product Marketing Productivity Hacks, SMB Product Marketing, Release Marketing, Estab......more