LeTisha Shaw

LeTisha Shaw

Director, Product Marketing, UserTesting


LeTisha Shaw
LeTisha Shaw
UserTesting Director, Product MarketingFebruary 26
Whenever you are starting a new role, it's critical to understand what's important to your manager and what the objectives are for your new organization so you can align yourself well to them. Every company has a different onboarding plan, and for PMMs I think it's critical to get the lay of the ......Read More
LeTisha Shaw
LeTisha Shaw
UserTesting Director, Product MarketingFebruary 26
Yes, this is a pretty standard PMM interview question. When I ask, I am typically looking to see if the candidate understands product launch and go-to-market fundamentals. I'm also interested in which parts of the launch they led (i.e. was it a specific marketing channel or soup-to-nuts?).  I ......Read More
LeTisha Shaw
LeTisha Shaw
UserTesting Director, Product MarketingFebruary 26
I'd say presentation skills are pretty critical for a PMM. I've often heard other say that PMMs create "pretty slides" jokingly, but everyone knows we do far much more than that in developing positioning, messaging, enablement materials, etc. I'll I'd admit, I'm still working becoming a better pr......Read More
LeTisha Shaw
LeTisha Shaw
UserTesting Director, Product MarketingFebruary 26
I think this depends on your past work experience...are you an undergrad very little work experience or grad with several years of work experience?   It's challenging to get a PMM role coming straight out of undergrad, mostly because when we look for entry-level PMMs, we look for people who ha......Read More
Credentials & Highlights
Director, Product Marketing at UserTesting
Product Marketing AMA Contributor
Lives In San Mateo, California
Knows About Establishing Product Marketing, Product Marketing 30/60/90 Day Plan, Product Marketin......more