Eduardo Moreira

Eduardo Moreira

Director of Sales Strategy and Operations (EMEA & LATAM), LinkedIn


Eduardo Moreira
Eduardo Moreira
LinkedIn Director of Sales Strategy and Operations (EMEA & LATAM)July 6
Similar to another question (see "I am in the first phase..."), in my view the main issue is your marketing leader seeing your proposed path more as your (singular) strategy, than as your (plural) strategy, even if she helped you craft it earlier. As these are process redesigns, more discrete in ......Read More
Eduardo Moreira
Eduardo Moreira
LinkedIn Director of Sales Strategy and Operations (EMEA & LATAM)July 6
RevOps is the glue that bonds revenue teams together, and to minimize pain points you'll have to drive monolithic Marketing and Sales (M&S) buy-in around ambition, motivation and execution. For ambition and motivation, assemble a crisp fact base that promotes your plan from desirable to essential......Read More
Eduardo Moreira
Eduardo Moreira
LinkedIn Director of Sales Strategy and Operations (EMEA & LATAM)July 6
The short answer: one quarter for the first actions to be making measurable impact. Anything longer can lead to demotivation and immobilization. Anything shorter and you risk blunders and blind spots, a launch with poor buy-in or asking for unrealistic resources / behaviours from the business. T......Read More
Eduardo Moreira
Eduardo Moreira
LinkedIn Director of Sales Strategy and Operations (EMEA & LATAM)July 6
Balancing short- and long-term health is essential, it defines the pace at which the company makes its inroads, even if it already achieved some "financial independence" through a healthy LTV/CAC ratio. When thinking about the long term, I’d think mostly of productivity ($/HC), NRR, profitability......Read More
Eduardo Moreira
Eduardo Moreira
LinkedIn Director of Sales Strategy and Operations (EMEA & LATAM)April 25
In my opinion, the best RevOps professionals have in common 3 skill peaks (communication, data-fluent problem-solving and system thinking) and one personal trait: curiosity. Communication: Effective communication is key, including the ability to tailor messages that speak to different audiences ......Read More
Eduardo Moreira
Eduardo Moreira
LinkedIn Director of Sales Strategy and Operations (EMEA & LATAM)July 6
In most documentation efforts, internal and cross-functional alike, RevOps objective is typically to simultaneously achieve widespread adoption, relevance and freshness. For a data dictionary, various options are possible: from a static PDF, to a live collaborative piece (Word, Wiki, GDoc, sprea......Read More
Eduardo Moreira
Eduardo Moreira
LinkedIn Director of Sales Strategy and Operations (EMEA & LATAM)July 6
In a short sentence, in a fast-moving, complex, and inter-dependent revenue engine, whatever is not in the CRM does not exist. Creating an aligned case around this notion and building reinforcement via incentives and accountability is key. A few tactical tips and examples: * Strengthen the case......Read More
Eduardo Moreira
Eduardo Moreira
LinkedIn Director of Sales Strategy and Operations (EMEA & LATAM)July 6
This applies to most new LT relationships in some way. I usually think of situation this as having 3 necessary steps: establishing a positive dialogue, problem solving together and rigorously agreeing on roles and responsibilities – as well as the path forward. For some more color:  Positive dia......Read More
Eduardo Moreira
Eduardo Moreira
LinkedIn Director of Sales Strategy and Operations (EMEA & LATAM)April 25
The RevOps function is crucial to align sales, marketing, and customer success efforts but where it differs most based on company size is in its roles and responsibilities, and its associated needed skillset. In small companies, RevOps often wear multiple hats, managing a broad array of Go-To-Ma......Read More
Eduardo Moreira
Eduardo Moreira
LinkedIn Director of Sales Strategy and Operations (EMEA & LATAM)April 25
My organization is called EMEA & LATAM LTS Sales Strategy and Operations and is part of our broader GTM Ops team. My teams partner with a large sales workforce spanning the entire region, to promote the growth of our talent SaaS business in EMEA & LATAM. To accomplish that, I lead around 25 peopl......Read More
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Director of Sales Strategy and Operations (EMEA & LATAM) at LinkedIn
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