Catherine Bassett

Catherine Bassett

VP Product, Gorillas


Catherine Bassett
Catherine Bassett
Gorillas VP ProductMarch 9
The best way to get better is framing and articulation is to understand what works best for your organization based on lifecycle stage, market type and product type. You may want to try framing using a few different types of strategies to see what fits best. The most popular frameworks are: 1. ......Read More
Catherine Bassett
Catherine Bassett
Gorillas VP ProductMarch 9
What most customer success managers get wrong in my experience is not using the right data or framing the story specifically to the needs of the C-Suite. If you're looking for investment, make sure they understand fully what the investment is and how it will benefit the company and customers. How......Read More
Credentials & Highlights
VP Product at Gorillas
Knows About Growth Product Management, Product Management Skills, Product Management Career Path,......more