Anjali T. Cameron

Anjali T. Cameron

Head of Marketing, Landed


Anjali T. Cameron
Anjali T. Cameron
Landed Head of MarketingMay 8
At Upwork we use a feature messaging brief (or initiative messaging for big projects) to communicate everything from the big picture to the fine details to internal stakeholders. The brief typically contains these sections: Feature description (usually includes screenshots), Target audience, Rele......Read More
Anjali T. Cameron
Anjali T. Cameron
Landed Head of MarketingMay 8
Be clear on your target and start there. If you’re a marketplace, force primary and secondary segments. And if you’ve got multiple business lines and segments with unique pain points, align on a clear hierarchy and where in your funnel you can speak to different audiences. I’d say the fewer segme......Read More
Anjali T. Cameron
Anjali T. Cameron
Landed Head of MarketingMay 8
Agreed that often in the race to get a product to market, teams will put their best messaging idea forth, run it out for a quick test and then launch. I think there are a few ways to check that you’re on the right path or if pausing is required. 1. Internal comprehension - at least in the case ......Read More
Anjali T. Cameron
Anjali T. Cameron
Landed Head of MarketingMay 8
This continues to be an evolving process but we leverage a few things: 1. Lead time - sharing the info early so the sales team can disseminate it via the right channels with enough notice (for example, some teams meet just once a week so if you miss that cycle, they may not see it until......Read More
Anjali T. Cameron
Anjali T. Cameron
Landed Head of MarketingMay 8
I’m a big believer in experimentation before your messaging hits customers. Typically in the product development and go-to-market planning cycles you have at least two, if not more, opportunities to test different messaging. The first is to sneak it into usability research. If a UI designer is go......Read More
Anjali T. Cameron
Anjali T. Cameron
Landed Head of MarketingMay 8
For broader buyer trends, I’ve found focus groups with prospects to be effective. It’s a way to get in the heads of prospective buyers and see what’s on their mind. You can get their reaction to several high-level messaging angles and through moderated conversation, you can uncover larger trends ......Read More
Anjali T. Cameron
Anjali T. Cameron
Landed Head of MarketingMay 8
Similar to the question above on uncovering buyer trends, I’d suggest starting broad and then going narrow to develop market driven messaging. Start with a few key insights about your target market and their pain points. I leverage personas for this. If you don’t have them, the work should start ......Read More
Anjali T. Cameron
Anjali T. Cameron
Landed Head of MarketingMay 8
Great question and not an easy one. There’s a difference between saying, “let’s shift messaging to go upmarket but retain and continue to build for our core SMB base” versus “let’s shift messaging and resources to go all in on upmarket, even if that means neglecting SMB.” If it’s the former, it’......Read More
Anjali T. Cameron
Anjali T. Cameron
Landed Head of MarketingOctober 5
We typically use one of two options, depending on the business and customer impact of the feature. For new features with huge upside or the potential to cause a lot of customer confusion if not explained carefully, a more disruptive, in product modal is effective. Design it with a strong headl......Read More
Anjali T. Cameron
Anjali T. Cameron
Landed Head of MarketingMay 8
I’d focus mainly on all the things you can do to stand out: 1. Make your visual layout, pricing and customer experience unique to further differentiate your offering from competitors. The messaging is the wrapper for all of this but these pieces can really help you speak to your unique ......Read More
Credentials & Highlights
Head of Marketing at Landed
Product Marketing AMA Contributor
Lives In San Francisco, California
Knows About Self-Serve Product Marketing, Messaging, Brand Strategy, Sales Enablement, Product La......more