Andy Schumeister

Andy Schumeister

Director of Product Marketing, Sourcegraph


Andy Schumeister
Andy Schumeister
Sourcegraph Director of Product MarketingJune 9
30 days: Prioritize understanding your customers, your product, and your company:  * Shadow customer calls (or listen to recordings if they exist). * Get to know your cross-functional partners - schedule time with people from product, sales, marketing, engineering, design, etc. This will he......Read More
Andy Schumeister
Andy Schumeister
Sourcegraph Director of Product MarketingJune 8
Try to align your portfolio with the job description: * If the job description focuses on messaging and positioning, share an example of a messaging framework or landing page that you put together. * If the job description focuses on launching products, share an example of an Asana board......Read More
Andy Schumeister
Andy Schumeister
Sourcegraph Director of Product MarketingJune 9
I generally use a modified version of the Eisenhower Matrix (I just learned the name). On the spectrum of "not urgent to urgent" and "not important to important," you should prioritize the deliverables/needs that are both urgent and important. When you're the first product marketer, it's easy to ......Read More
Andy Schumeister
Andy Schumeister
Sourcegraph Director of Product MarketingJune 9
30 days: Prioritize understanding your customers, your product, and your company: * Shadow customer calls (or listen to recordings if they exist). * Get to know your cross-functional partners - schedule time with people from product, sales, marketing, engineering, design, etc. This will hel......Read More
Andy Schumeister
Andy Schumeister
Sourcegraph Director of Product MarketingJune 9
While there is no "one size fits all" metric that works for product marketing, my recommendation is to try to align your goals with either sales, demand gen, or product depending on what you're working on. Ideally, you'll have explicitly shared goals with one or more of the cross-functional teams......Read More
Andy Schumeister
Andy Schumeister
Sourcegraph Director of Product MarketingJune 9
Ultimately, it takes time to build relationships and prove your ability to add real value to be seen as a strategic player vs a launch arm. This can be done by leading a successful product launch, shipping a new pitch deck for sales, being the best resource for competitive intelligence, etc. For ......Read More
Andy Schumeister
Andy Schumeister
Sourcegraph Director of Product MarketingJune 9
The biggest surprise is that even though product marketing may not exist as a function, the company is already doing product marketing: launching new products, pricing and packaging, creating messaging and positioning, etc. The challenge is that this work likely doesn't have a clear owner and is ......Read More
Andy Schumeister
Andy Schumeister
Sourcegraph Director of Product MarketingJune 9
The biggest difference is the level of specialization. At a smaller company, PMMs should be generalists. One quarter they may be working on bringing a new feature to market and another quarter they may be revamping the pitch deck. As the company grows and evolves to become a multi-product company......Read More
Andy Schumeister
Andy Schumeister
Sourcegraph Director of Product MarketingJune 9
Great call to have commonly shared KPIs with the product team - this is the best way to ensure mutual success. When it comes to product launches, it depends a bit on what you're launching. If your company has a "core" product and you're launching a new SKU or a product with a separate revenue ......Read More
Credentials & Highlights
Director of Product Marketing at Sourcegraph
Product Marketing AMA Contributor
Lives In Remote
Knows About SMB Product Marketing, Establishing Product Marketing, Product Marketing 30/60/90 Day......more