Product Marketing Skills

16 Answers
April Rassa
April Rassa
Aventi Group Product Marketing ConsultantSeptember 28
Messaging is the ability to communicate pains and solutions for a specific persona using the written word. PMM writing is unique because it’s all about distilling a message down to it’s essence and packaging words in a way that will be accepted by a specific group of people. A PMM should write wi......Read More
13 Answers
Abdul Rastagar
Abdul Rastagar
GTM Leader | Marketing Author | Career CoachNovember 19
The ideal candidate will have both but that’s often not possible. For me personally, I think the soft skills are far more important. Especially at the more junior and even mid-management levels, the hard skills can be taught. The soft skills are much more difficult to teach. As an executive, you......Read More
10 Answers
Lauren Barraco
Lauren Barraco
Inscribe VP, MarketingNovember 17
This is a great question. I have a few rules that we try to live by for our comms:  1. Make it short, sweet, and to the point!  2. You shouldn't expect your sales team to read every word, so make sure to use bold, underline, colors for items that are most important.  3. Build a cadence - ......Read More
2 Answers
Sarah Din
Sarah Din
Quickbase VP of Product MarketingMarch 28
Participate in solving bigger cross-company challenges across the org where your experience can make a difference - for example: pricing & packaging, helping understand churn, digging into win-loss, etc.  The goal is to find areas of opportunity where something is broken or not performing and f......Read More
What is your superpower product marketing skill in that is a differentiator?
I find that product marketing has become a position that doesn’t require much experience. You can be fairly seasoned and compete with someone that is just out of undergraduate because the discipline is not the same in tech as it might be in consumer goods or retail.
3 Answers
Sarah Din
Sarah Din
Quickbase VP of Product MarketingMarch 28

The skill that matters most - no matter what level of experience or whether you are in b2b vs b2c is - storytelling! To be a great PMM you have to be good at telling stories.

9 Answers
Liz Tassey (she/her)
Liz Tassey (she/her)
Highspot Vice President Product MarketingJuly 8
I love the data debate. A couple of my favorite quotes: "If you torture the data long enough, it will confess to anything" - Ronald Coase. "If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses" - maybe Henry Ford I dont think it's an either-or answer. Data is obviousl......Read More
5 Answers
Oleksii Klochai
Oleksii Klochai
Wizard on Demand PrincipalFebruary 6
Allocate adequate resources to it — in other words, get someone on board whose job is to create content. Unless there is a person or a team directly in charge of content creation, you’ll find it difficult to scale and run a smooth process. Reasoning for this is: creating content is frequently ......Read More
5 Answers
Kelly Kipkalov
Kelly Kipkalov
BILL Sr Director, Product MarketingDecember 19
I'm going to answer your question slightly differently. PMMs can acquire skills as they develop in their careers, that's a given. So when I hire PMMs, I'm not just looking for skills, I'm looking for a specific customer-first mindset. Do you understand the customer problem you're trying to solve?......Read More
9 Answers
Abdul Rastagar
Abdul Rastagar
GTM Leader | Marketing Author | Career CoachNovember 19
While interviewers focus on your response to the hard skills question, they are simultaneously evaluating your soft skills as well. Generally, they are evaluating your EQ and your communication skills, your ability to interpret questions and think critically in real time, and your ability to prov......Read More
How do product marketers make sure they're learning enough varied skills to be a well-rounded professional when scope is an issue?
i.e. working at a large company with minimal scope, focusing on sales enablement but knowing you need experience on the product launch side, other marketing teams covering responsibilities, etc.
11 Answers
Christy Roach
Christy Roach
AssemblyAI VP of MarketingOctober 8
This is a great question! I know lots of product marketers who worry that in getting more specialized they’re missing out on the opportunity to get that broad skillset. I reject the idea that you have to change jobs in order to get the experience you want and think there are plenty of ways to get......Read More