Competitive Positioning

How do i use multiple customer quotes and case study stats to create a 2 pager sales enablement asset?
Im not sure how i can structure this document, but i have (numbers) on how our product benefited the customer and why they chose us over a competitor and multiple quotes from different customers. What is the best way to tell a story?
8 Answers
Jeff Rezabek
Jeff Rezabek
IRONSCALES Director of Product MarketingFebruary 27
If you're creating a two-pager sales enablement asset, always assume it will be shared externally at some point, so make it so that if it gets in the hands of a prospect, the branding is the same, and the information isn't confidential. Without knowing much about your product or audience, I woul......Read More
5 Answers
Christine Tran
Christine Tran
Quantum Metric VP, Product MarketingJuly 28
This is a great question and top of mind for me right now.  For your executives, their primary goal may be to get into a Forrester Wave or Magic Quadrant. Yes, that would be the ultimate win, but it can be a long game AND there are many other ways to measure success over the life of a program.......Read More
17 Answers
Rekha Srivatsan
Rekha Srivatsan
Salesforce Vice President Product MarketingFebruary 5
I like the positioning doc to address your audience need, how do you stand out / differentiated, what do you provide and white space. For example, if you have customer need, you can easily come up with the FOR and WHO; if you have white space, you can fill in the UNLIKE; and if you have unique ca......Read More
Is competitive positioning an output of a feature or a marketing story?
I see a lot of battles between start-ups about similar features/products; I myself have tried to position our product with a differentiated story not always backed by features. What's the ideal approach? Where does one draw the line?
3 Answers
Jackie Palmer
Jackie Palmer
Pendo VP Product MarketingDecember 12
I think you've taken the right approach! I would never recommend only building out your positioning based on features or products. You need a full, compelling story which should include non-product things as well as product-related things. Non-product things could be services you offer, training ......Read More
How do you perform extensive competitive product research?
I've been tasked with it but I'm missing the mark. This research is for the CEO and Product/Engineering teams who want to know how our tech stacks up in the market. Do you have any tips?
15 Answers
Pranav Deshpande
Pranav Deshpande
Vanta Senior Product Marketing ManagerAugust 25
To start I'd say thorough competitive research is the foundation of great product marketing, so it's great that your company is investing in it. It's really important for the PMM that owns a product to be an expert on both direct and indirect competitors. Competitive research shouldn't happen in ......Read More
How do you showcase or describe to interviewers your work in messaging and positioning, without actually showing documented work?
Also, how to actually show its success, as this is something that may take awhile before seeing a growth trend and can you directly actually attribute a particular success metric on messaging?
11 Answers
Jeffrey Vocell
Jeffrey Vocell
Panorama Education Head of Product MarketingDecember 10
I think it’s hard to showcase messaging in an interview unless you’re specifically bringing up documented work. At HubSpot, we like to give candidates an exercise before an interview that typically ties into positioning and messaging. Oftentimes this exercise will tie back to a recently released ......Read More
What market research do you do to segment your market, understand each segment's needs, and inform the build/buy/partner strategy? And how do you share those insights?
I'm working at a company where we're trying to unlock new industries that we as a company need to have a better understanding of.
1 Answer
Sarah Din
Sarah Din
Quickbase VP of Product MarketingDecember 19
I recommend doing a mix of both quantitative and qualitative market research to augment your customer data analysis. For quantitative, you can run market research surveys targeting your core segments to understand needs, buying behaviors, etc. I recommend augmenting that with qualitative intervie......Read More
6 Answers
Rachel Cheyfitz
Rachel Cheyfitz
Coro Head of Product Marketing and DocumentationNovember 17
These aren't different things. Competitive is part of overall positioning.  Product positioning should include evidence, details and decisions based on:  - Competitive intelligence  - Pricing decisions  - Market need - Market potential  - Your product and, based on the above, its differen......Read More
5 Answers
Sean Lauer
Sean Lauer
Instruqt VP of MarketingFebruary 16
There's nothing that says gathering intel in standard ways isn't ethical or fair. There are definitely some tactics that might straddle the line and a few that go way over the line that should obviously be avoided. I would rely on approaches that are very common, ethical, and effective: * Win/l......Read More
2 Answers
Jesse Lopez
Jesse Lopez
Dandy Director of Product MarketingJuly 5
Three types of research should inform any competitive and market intelligence program: * Internal resources and intelligence, such as sales calls and win-loss analysis, are great for identifying high-level competitive and market insights. I typically use these resources to identify areas ......Read More