Laura Oppenheimer

Laura Oppenheimer

Group Product Manager, Bubble
Currently: Leading the growth product team at Previous: Worked to save democracy (NBD) with the amazing group at Tech for Campaigns. Product Manager at Quizlet, focusing on strategy for Quizlet's teacher audience and customer. Prior to ......more


Laura Oppenheimer
Laura Oppenheimer
Bubble Group Product ManagerJuly 28
Part of the fun of building something 0-1 is that you have a green field in front of you — you can build anything! (Or that's what we wish as PMS....) As much fun as it would be to the world is your product oyster, constraints help provide focus and a direction. I see the first step is making ......Read More
Laura Oppenheimer
Laura Oppenheimer
Bubble Group Product ManagerJuly 28
I might even abstract this out further to answer "What are the top mistakes product managers make when building a product period?" The best advice I've been given — and what I try to follow in my own work — is to be obsessed with the problem and not the solution. It can be really easy to think......Read More
Laura Oppenheimer
Laura Oppenheimer
Bubble Group Product ManagerJuly 28
So much about product management is about stakeholder management — getting everyone from engineers to exec team aligned on 1) what you are building and 2) what the goal is. With goals, we're very good at getting folks excited about the metrics-based goals ("we'll move conversion rate by 2 percent......Read More
Laura Oppenheimer
Laura Oppenheimer
Bubble Group Product ManagerJuly 28
It's never going to be "as ready" as you want it to be. Because we don't work in a vacuum, the product is never built to 100% (I've never worked on anything where we had P2 requirements built into the product on launch day - it doesn't happen). There are three components that come together to ID ......Read More
Laura Oppenheimer
Laura Oppenheimer
Bubble Group Product ManagerJuly 28
After 2.5 years into working remotely, the two areas that have been the most challenging for me are 1) cross functional exploration and ideation and 2) user research outside of video interviews.  First, I've found it really challenging to replicate is the ability to get in a room with design, ......Read More
Laura Oppenheimer
Laura Oppenheimer
Bubble Group Product ManagerJuly 28
Great question that goes beyond product strategy and into larger company strategy. Every product serves a given user job or jobs. When you have product market fit and things are going well, you then have a choice:  1. Continue investing in serving the original job to gain a larger piece of the ......Read More
Laura Oppenheimer
Laura Oppenheimer
Bubble Group Product ManagerJuly 29
At the very beginning! It's so important to align on the why for any initiative. Why now? Why is it important? And a big part of that why is what the world will look like when you're ultimately very successful. To bring that to light, I usually define 1) a success metric -- the one thing we're go......Read More
Credentials & Highlights
Group Product Manager at Bubble
Formerly Quizlet, Chegg
Top Product Management Mentor List
Product Management AMA Contributor
Lives In San Fransisco, CA
Knows About Growth Product Management, Product Strategy, Building 0-1 Products, Product Managemen......more