Julie Towns

Julie Towns

VP, Product Marketing & Product Operations, Pinterest


Julie Towns
Julie Towns
Pinterest VP, Product Marketing & Product OperationsJanuary 18
First, here is how I'd define the scope and complexity of a Director level PMM role: * At a director level, your work will be highly strategic in nature. For example, you should be identifying and devising strategies to solve company-wide issues with longer term implications (18-24 months......Read More
Julie Towns
Julie Towns
Pinterest VP, Product Marketing & Product OperationsJanuary 18
A strong product marketer should have skills across both the inbound and outbound components of the role. * Inbound = inputs into product to define the roadmap and build the right features to achieve product market fit for customers. * Outbound = owning the product message, positioning, an......Read More
Julie Towns
Julie Towns
Pinterest VP, Product Marketing & Product OperationsJanuary 18
The highest quality PMM decisions are ones where the data and customer anecdotes align. Skilled PMMs often bring a strong perspective to a conversation, but are willing to be wrong and change their recommendations in light of new or better information. A strong POV can come from either data or ......Read More
Julie Towns
Julie Towns
Pinterest VP, Product Marketing & Product OperationsJanuary 18
As you get more senior in your career in any role, but especially one as cross-functional in nature as PMM, soft skills become much more important than hard skills or product expertise, especially if you are a fast learner. You can learn the hard skills of a job, within reason. For example, if y......Read More
Julie Towns
Julie Towns
Pinterest VP, Product Marketing & Product Operations
Pinterest VP of Product Marketing & Product Operations, Julie Towns on Product Marketing Skills
Pinterest VP of Product Marketing & Product Operations, Julie Towns on Product Marketing Skills
Questions covered in this episode:   1:23 Opening Question: Can you take us back to a moment in your career or your life where you had to step outside of your comfort zone?  3:57 What is your role like as a VP of PMM at Pinterest? 8:41 Can you talk a little bit about how you've been able to d......more
Credentials & Highlights
VP, Product Marketing & Product Operations at Pinterest
Product Marketing AMA Contributor
Knows About Release Marketing, Establishing Product Marketing, Developer Product Marketing, Produ......more