Jon Boyer

Jon Boyer

Director of Sales, Zapier


Jon Boyer
Jon Boyer
Zapier Director of SalesApril 26
I don't have a favorite question but I do prefer open ended questions in discovery. Close ended questions start with helper verbs. Every question beginning with these words(Am, Are, Is, Was, Were) can be answered by a buyer with a yes or a no. Even when folks give you more than a yes or no they w......Read More
Jon Boyer
Jon Boyer
Zapier Director of SalesApril 26
As a Sales professional we are often under a lot of pressure to close deals and meet our targets. If you're not careful you can quickly burnout especially when quotas reset each month or quarter. Over the years I’ve had to become more intentional in creating boundaries and finding new ways to rec......Read More
Jon Boyer
Jon Boyer
Zapier Director of SalesApril 26
One of the key attributes I like to test for in interviews is the candidates self awareness and grit. My favorite question to ask here is "What is the most difficult feedback you've received professionally? How did it shape your career?" The quality of the answer demonstrates the candidates abili......Read More
Jon Boyer
Jon Boyer
Zapier Director of SalesApril 26
There are many KPI's and metrics you can evaluate for pay raises. Ultimately this is situational based on your companies revenue targets, values and policies. I believe there are 3 key factors in justifying a pay raise: 1) Craft: Mastery of your craft and demonstrated ability of your roles key......Read More
Jon Boyer
Jon Boyer
Zapier Director of SalesApril 26
A mentor taught me to evaluate opportunities leveraging the VIP framework . The framework incorporates three inputs Vision, Impact and People. Here is a quick breakdown of how I have thought through each of the inputs. 1) Vision: How excited are you about the companies vision and mission? How ......Read More
Credentials & Highlights
Director of Sales at Zapier
Top Sales Mentor List
Sales AMA Contributor
Knows About SMB Sales, Pipeline Management, Sales Interviews, Sales Leadership, Scaling a Sales T......more