Brian Vass

Brian Vass

VP, Customer Experience Operations, Paycor
Modern sales & marketing operations leader with a passion for leveraging people, data, and technology to drive revenue growth. Track record of spearheading change and enabling teams to perform at their highest potential. Currently lead Revenue Ope......more


Brian Vass
Brian Vass
Paycor VP, Customer Experience OperationsNovember 17
In my opinion, soft skills are more imporatnt than hard in this role; however, there are a few hard skills that are important: * Practical sales and/or marketing experience. It's important that you can resonate and empathize with the teams you are supporting.  This also provides credibili......Read More
Brian Vass
Brian Vass
Paycor VP, Customer Experience OperationsNovember 17
* Ensure that associates are working on challenging projects * Recognize the positive impact they are having on the business * Provide meaningful feedback on a regular basis. We have quarterly "Connects" to share accomplishments, areas for improvement, goals for the next quarter, and dev......Read More
Brian Vass
Brian Vass
Paycor VP, Customer Experience OperationsNovember 17
RevOps professionals have a lot to offer other parts of the business. They have valuable experience driving GoToMarket strategies, improving processes, leveraging technology to improve productivity, using data to tell stories, and much more. These are valuable skills that are easily transferrable......Read More
Brian Vass
Brian Vass
Paycor VP, Customer Experience OperationsNovember 17
Hard skills: * Sales or marketing experiance. Gives you credibility with your internal customers. * CRM and related technologies. It's important to understand best practices and use cases for your tech strategy. * Financial analysis and budgeting. Good RevOps leaders are data-driven. S......Read More
Brian Vass
Brian Vass
Paycor VP, Customer Experience OperationsNovember 17
I've hired many RevOps professionals with diverse backgrounds. But they all have several things in common: * They are smart. RevOps can get complicated and you need smart people who can keep up. * They are quick learners. It's rare to hire individuals with practical RevOps experience. As......Read More
Brian Vass
Brian Vass
Paycor VP, Customer Experience OperationsNovember 17
I actually did both! Earlier in my career I was a marketing leader and was resonsible for demand generation. I was always passionate about leveraging technology and measuring the impact that marketing has on the business. I was an early adopter of Salesforce and Marketo, and leveraged these tools......Read More
Brian Vass
Brian Vass
Paycor VP, Customer Experience OperationsNovember 17
It's tough to get hired into RevOps straight out of school. The best path to go straight into RevOps is to get an internship. We've had some amazing interns that joined us as full-time associates upon graduation. As an intern, you'll get valuable exposure to the organzation and can determine if R......Read More
Brian Vass
Brian Vass
Paycor VP, Customer Experience OperationsNovember 17
That's a tough one. A few ideas: * Thank your boss for the feedback and ask him/her for suggestions on how to improve. Ask for specific examples. Ask "what are others doing that I am not?". If I were your boss in this example, I would want to know that you are struggling with the feedb......Read More
Brian Vass
Brian Vass
Paycor VP, Customer Experience OperationsNovember 17
Soft skills are most important. Hard skills can be learned. The majority of my team did not have RevOps experience prior to joining Paycor. We have some amazing Salesforce and Marketo admins that had not used these apps in the past. Hire smart people that are quick learners and teach them what th......Read More
Credentials & Highlights
VP, Customer Experience Operations at Paycor
Top Revenue Operations Mentor List
Revenue Operations AMA Contributor
Studied at Miami University
Lives In Cincinnati, OH
Knows About Technology Management, Finance / Revenue Ops Alignment, Marketing / Revenue Ops Align......more