Brady Gentile

Brady Gentile

Product Marketing, Hedera Hashgraph


Brady Gentile
Brady Gentile
Hedera Hashgraph Product MarketingJuly 22
Background: Worked as a Community Manager and Product Marketer for an open source database software company DataStax; we sold a proprietary version of the open source database Apache Cassandra, targeting the developer and administrator personas. Developers are experts at searching for informa......Read More
Brady Gentile
Brady Gentile
Hedera Hashgraph Product MarketingJuly 22

This is less about automation, and more towards organization, but you can setup a list on Twitter and only include your competitors in that aggregated list. Good luck!

Credentials & Highlights
Product Marketing at Hedera Hashgraph
Lives In San Francisco, California
Knows About Developer Product Marketing, Messaging, Technical Product Marketing, Sales Enablement