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How can you continuously optimize the partner process?

1 Answer
Sharon Markowitz
Sharon Markowitz
Zoom Head of Product Marketing, App MarketplaceJanuary 31

Ways to continuously optimize the partner process may include:

  1. Review GTM plans against targets both leveraging quantitative and qualitative data to determine what worked and what can be improved

  2. Embrace testing as an approach for GTM, where the company and the partner can test, learn, iterate and scale or pivot.

  3. Always be learning, and reaching out to other partner marketers outside your company and industry to apply best practices.

How to test and scale or pivot?

I am a big fan of The Lean Startup methodology by Eric Ries. Here is a video clip of a conversation on setting up the concept of an MVP (Minimum Viable Product) or as I like to say, MDP (Minimum Delightful Product) between Founder Scott Cook of Intuit and Founder of Lean Startup Eric Ries.

When working for an established tech company focused on improving teamwork, one of the strategic partners I worked with was in cloud computing. The partner was hesitant to go outside their standard partner playbook for GTM motions. I suggested that we could test a GTM tactic that focused on explaining the integration to drive new leads, in a very short turnaround time, and commitment to share metrics. The willingness of the partner to be open to this, and the success of this, led to an invite-only event for the company, and a future long term contract.

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