Polomi Batra

AMA: Zendesk Director of Product Marketing, Polomi Batra on Sales Enablement

May 30 @ 9:00AM PST
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Zendesk Director of Product Marketing, Polomi Batra on Sales Enablement
We will email you Polomi's answers to these questions after the event in case you can't make it.
Questions must be topic related and not promotional. (250 character limit)
Top Questions
What do you take into consideration when getting requests to create "leave behinds" and/or "one pagers" for a variety of different aspects for your company?
I'm starting to build our competitive program here at Percolate and I am personally questioning the need for creating a unique sales asset for each competitor.
Do customers actually use data sheets in their purchase decisions, and if so, what key information do they find most valuable?
How do you measure ROI of sales enablement?
How do you ensure that your reps are all singing the same tune when the jargon in your industry is constantly changing?
I'm in Fintech, a world of ever evolving nomenclature - i feel like there is new jargon every day.
I've heard mixed opinions on sharing customer personas with Sales. Some say it's useless information that Sales tends to ignore. Have you found that Sales appreciates customers personas? What's your approach there?
Some of the best marketing ideas for content come from the sales team. Can you talk me through how you engage with Sales for input during the content creation journey?
How do you navigate sales enablement at a startup that serves multiple sectors of the market and has limited resources?
We are moving upstream from working with executive search firms and recruitment agencies to working with in-house enterprise and MM companies. Each type of firm needs the software for recruitment purposes, but each has different pain points and feature interests within the platform
What is your end to end process for sales engagement and activation? Does it vary based on where contact is on the sales funnel and whether they are a customer/existing lead or net new lead?
How do you ideate case study and other sales assistant content that isn’t necessarily “sales enablement”?
How do you say 'no' to small asks for a PMM but that AEs/Sales think will win an individual deal?
What are best practices learned from moving to solution selling and how to route leads/Comp reps?
How do I create value for Sales to encourage them to want to include me in the prospect discovery calls?
Over your career, what best practices can you share with working with the sales team?
More specifically: who are you speaking with? how often? what are sales teams typically asking for? what types of things can you deliver on/what types of things are not feasible? what steps do you take to keep things productive? what types of situations are not productive?
How do you approach creating sales enablement material for a global product?