Product Marketing Interviews

2 Answers
Christine Sotelo-Dag
Christine Sotelo-Dag
ThoughtSpot Senior Director of Product MarketingApril 19
There are a few core characteristics that make product marketers stand out, especially those with less experience to pull from in interviews and resumes. Characteristics such as time management, prioritization, strong execution skills, cross-functional collaboration and a basic understanding of t......Read More
What is the best way to prepare a mock Go-To-Market plan for a product in a very precise and concise way, when asked in an interview?
I usually come across an interview round wherein I am handed the task of preparing a mock GTM plan for a product. I find it pretty vague as expectations vary widely and I am usually confused about what all to include and how to represent. Is there any example?
13 Answers
Horacio Zambrano
Horacio Zambrano
Truu, Inc. CMO, ; B2B GTM/PMM AdvisorJune 8
GTM is very broad and can mean so many things in industry. Strategic analysis and more marketing plan like, PPPP (packaging, pricing, placement, etc.), messaging/positioning You have to pick one, find a good framework and cover all the basis. Most likely they will think it's more academic than......Read More
17 Answers
Srini Sekaran
Srini Sekaran
Amazon Senior Product ManagerJune 7
Measuring sales success is unique to your organization but you can gauge general effectiveness by understanding the volume of opportunities, conversion rates, and productivity.  Volume of Opportunity Cross-selling, renewals, and upselling are more effective ways of generating revenue than acqu......Read More
How do you showcase or describe to interviewers your work in messaging and positioning, without actually showing documented work?
Also, how to actually show its success, as this is something that may take awhile before seeing a growth trend and can you directly actually attribute a particular success metric on messaging?
11 Answers
Jeffrey Vocell
Jeffrey Vocell
Panorama Education Head of Product MarketingDecember 10
I think it’s hard to showcase messaging in an interview unless you’re specifically bringing up documented work. At HubSpot, we like to give candidates an exercise before an interview that typically ties into positioning and messaging. Oftentimes this exercise will tie back to a recently released ......Read More
9 Answers
Vanessa Thompson
Vanessa Thompson
Twilio Vice President MarketingDecember 2
The outcome you are targeting with your competitive research plays a role in the efficacy of your research method. So have the outcome in mind before you start, that way you will already be on the path to success! Competitive positioning - There are plenty of tools around like Klue, that scrape ......Read More
22 Answers
Carrie Zhang
Carrie Zhang
Square Product LeadJune 30
Any interviews with me will involve a case - real world, but sanitized case questions like "you are the PMM for xyz product and your subscriber growth has slowed down [insert whatever metrics, scenarios] in the last 2 quarters. You need to get it back on track. What would you do to tackle this?" ......Read More
13 Answers
Abdul Rastagar
Abdul Rastagar
GTM Leader | Marketing Author | Career CoachJune 11
The ‘product marketing skills’ question has been answered really well by a lot of others on Sharebird already so I will focus my answer specifically to the interview itself:  I always look for candidates who have a strategic mindset and who can articulate what success in their current role look......Read More
How can I improve my interviewing skills for a product marketing role?
I had my first interview in a long time recently and fumbled my way through it. How can I get better for next time?
7 Answers
Ajit Ghuman
Ajit Ghuman
Twilio Director of Product Management - Pricing & Packaging, CXPJune 4
It happens to all of us. As with any type of job interview, practice helps. Additionally, before you sit down to practice you should be using your PMM skills.  Jot down on paper your answers to these questions. * Who is the buyer/company? * What is their decision criteria? * What is the......Read More
3 Answers
Jon Rooney
Jon Rooney
Unity Vice President Product MarketingNovember 19
To try to break into PMM from a cold start, have a body of content already published (on LinkedIn or another platform) to serve as your portfolio. Early career PMM's do a ton of writing - customer-facing, sales-facing, launch planning, campaign briefs, etc. - so having things that show your capac......Read More
What technical questions can we expect for product marketing interviews?
e.g. do we need to do a case study, draw insights from looking at data, etc.
3 Answers
Kevin Garcia
Kevin Garcia
Anthropic Product Marketing LeaderMay 4
This will depend heavily on the kind of product you are interviewing to market. The more technical the product, the more "technical" questions you might get. Even so, you should be 100% prepared to: * Talk about what their product does (use cases) * Talk about who their product is for (audi......Read More